Saturday, September 11, 2010

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble

I struggle to get this fist week in South Africa down on paper! So many emotions swirling about in my heart! Overjoyed to be back in a place that I love so much, working along side men and women that I admire and am so proud to call my family. But on the flip side being face to face with the overwhelming brokenness and poverty that is just down the road from our little village is enough to keep me up at night! On Friday we had an informal meeting with all of the volunteers working with hands, as George (CEO of Hands at Work in Africa) shared about him time in Goma last week, my heart began to sick further and further into my chest. It was a painful reminder of why I was called to Africa, but also reassurance that I was in the right place. Hands at Work is not only committed to reaching 100 000 orphans, but 100 000 of the most vulnerable! And reaching them one by one. Building a relationship with them, learning there names, walking along side them , and reassuming them that they are not alone. Being back in Canada it was easy for me to say I know why I am doing this, I am responding to the biblical mandate to care for the orphans and widows, it was an automatic response for me I didn’t have to think about it. My eye’s were re-opened this week to what truly means!!

So what have I been up to? This week was our first week of orientations. Myself and 6 beautiful, open hearted individuals representing 4 countries (US, Canada, England and South Africa) around the world have been busy learning more about the organization and how we will fit in. Only God know’s where we will go next, but it is fun to imagine. Going into this I felt a strong pull to Mozambique, and if anything know that pull is even stronger! But we will have to wait and see!

This Friday is our intakes community stays! We will spend 4 nights in the community living along side a child headed household and being with them in community!

Moving through the next few weeks I pray for grace and a humble heart.

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" 1Peter 5:5


  1. what community are you guys doing your stays at?

  2. It sounds like this trip will be everything you hoped it would be and more!
    I can't wait to hear more about your nights in the community.


  3. you make your mother proud !!
    love you

  4. Morgan, glad to see your writing :)

  5. Love to hear how you celebrated your bday! Happy 24th xoxo Sammy T
